(2) Templates :-
we will talk about :-
  • Templates Functions .
  • Using Templates .
  • Create Template Application.

Templates Functions

Note: The templates functions read file from this path 'website/templates'

We have a different functions for templates :-

(1) Template(html_Page_name,Object)

To use this functions you have to create a controller for the html page you want to use . In the route.ring we have this code

#!ring -cgi 
load 'dragon-ring.ring'
import system.Web

In the hello.ring we have this code
import system.Web

In the hello.html we have this code
<h1>Hello World From Template .</h1>

The Page source is :-
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">
<meta charset="ISO-8859-1"> 
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="author" content="Mark Otto, Jacob Thornton, and Bootstrap contributors">
<meta name="generator" content="Jekyll v4.1.1">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap/bootstrap.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="bootstrap/jq.js">$(document).ready();
<h1>Hello World From Template .</h1>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bootstrap/bootstrap.js">

as you can see we have called the bootstrap and j-Query localy .
Note:- We will learn how to use templates after we know the template functions .

(2) Template_Exe(html_Page_name)

It can be used Like the function template()...
the difference between template() and template_exe() is the template_exe do not need an Object to execute codes ,So it need one parameter contain the html page name.
import system.Web

(3) website_template(html_Page_name,Object)

We will talk about this function after version 1.0 ...
Using Templates
Now We will learn how to use templates.
{%= Ring Expression %}
{% Ring Statements %}

Create Template Application.

In the route.ring we have this code
#!ring -cgi 
load 'dragon-ring.ring'
import system.Web

In the test_template.ring we have this code
import system.Web
new test_template{start()} 
class test_template
   name = "Mohannad"
   func start

In the test_template.html we have this code
<h1>Hello World From Template .</h1>
{% for x in 1:5 %}
<h1>Hello {%=name + ' ' + x %}</h1><br/>
{% next %}

The Page source :-
<h1>Hello World From Template .</h1>
<h1>Hello Mohannad 1</h1><br/>
<h1>Hello Mohannad 2</h1><br/>
<h1>Hello Mohannad 3</h1><br/>
<h1>Hello Mohannad 4</h1><br/>
<h1>Hello Mohannad 5</h1><br/>

Another example About Create Template Application.

In the route.ring we have this code
#!ring -cgi 
load 'dragon-ring.ring'
import system.Web

In the test_template.ring we have this code
import system.Web

In the test_template.html we have this code
<h1>Hello World From Template .</h1>
{% for x in 1:5 %}
<h1>Hello {%=x %}</h1><br/>
{% next %}

The Page source :-
<h1>Hello World From Template .</h1>
<h1>Hello 1</h1><br/>
<h1>Hello 2</h1><br/>
<h1>Hello 3</h1><br/>
<h1>Hello 4</h1><br/>
<h1>Hello 5</h1><br/>

We will make a CRUD Application After we learn how to use Mysql with Dragon-Ring.

I hope it was easy for you ...